In the short story "Mirror Mirror" by Gunnar De Winter, a girl named Toni goes throughout her day in a futuristic manner. Everyday life includes a lot more technology in this story, and of course, the technology is much more advanced than it is today. However, each and every one of Toni's actions are captured and recorded by a device called a "Fit-o-Sphere." These actions are then displayed to the public via what appears to be social media. Not only this, but all of her actions are planned out in advance, and Toni acts mechanically, almost, and does everything the way she's "supposed" to. At the end of the story, Toni discovers that she's pregnant- Something she never expected to happen, and something she most definitely does not want to share with the public. Despite this, like every other aspect of her life, it's revealed.
Now, I personally liked the concept of the story. It made me question how I would react in such a situation where all of my actions are shared with the public, no matter how trivial of an action it may be. In all honesty, though, I mainly decided to read this particular story because I found the title intriguing. After reading the story, though, I decided that I liked not just the title, but the story itself. It was pretty enjoyable to read !!
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