In order to publish a piece of your writing, whether it be a book, a story, or a poem, there's a lot of criteria that you have to pay attention to to make sure that it's what the publishers are looking for. However, from place to place this criteria differs. For example, the guidelines for
Analog: Science Fiction and Fact say that a writer's work
must include science. That, and they also discuss how much money a writer will be paid if their work does end up becoming published. Not only this, but "specialized jargon and mathematical detail should be kept to a necessary minimum," so that the readers are not overwhelmed with so much information that could be so difficult to comprehend. The guidelines also instruct you on how to submit your work for publishing, as well as what type of topics you should include. However, the guidelines for
Fantasy & Science Fiction are a bit more relaxed. Those guidelines say that those particular publishers enjoy character oriented stories more, and they also give instructions on how to properly submit your work. Overall, these guidelines are a lot less strict and detailed. Now, in order for someone like me to publish my writing in either of these magazines, I would definitely have to become better versed in science fiction. Not only that, but I would probably have to make my pieces a bit easier to understand so that it is more appealing to the general readers/audience.
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