Thursday, November 16, 2017

Harry Potter Banned? NOT CLICK-BAIT!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!11!111!!1111!!!11

First thing's first-- The assignment said to give some background information on the book we chose so here goes: JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series (the first book in the series having been published in 1997). That should be enough info so I'm going to get to the main point of this post now lol

So here's the thing. The Harry Potter series has been banned before!!! This is real 100% true information that is not click-bait. According to an article titled "Harry Potter Banned," "Ever since becoming popular, the Harry Potter series has been among the most frequently challenged books, as measured by the American Library Association." This is for multiple (dumb) reasons. Apparently the series promotes evil because it contains witchcraft. Some super worried parents with what I consider to be bad reasoning believe that people will want to be witches if they read Harry Potter. Harry Potter is also considered inappropriate and a bad influence to younger readers because it supposedly promotes rule breaking, lying, and disobeying figures of authority. Like people didn't do that before Harry Potter was a thing. And for the most part when that stuff happens in Harry Potter it's not for a bad cause y'know. Some people also consider Harry Potter to be too scary because it contains death and violence. A lot of other books have death and violence but I don't see all of those sorts of books getting banned. Things like that happen in real life too-- Preventing people (more specifically kids) from reading about things like violence isn't necessarily going to prevent them from witnessing things of that sort in the real world. Overall, the Harry Potter series SHOULD NOT BE BANNED!!!!! I will not stand for this!!! This is not okay!!!!!! This is no bueno!!!!!!!

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