Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was written by J.K. Rowling and published by Bloomsbury and Scholastic on June 21, 2003. It is a best seller, alongside the rest of the books in the Harry Potter series. It was made into a movie as well (again, like the rest of the books in the series) that was released on July 11, 2007. The movie earned around $938.2 million worldwide, but I'm not sure how much money the book made in sales. I couldn't really find anything about it online (not any useful information, anyway).
Honestly, I love this book. I love the Harry Potter series. Seeing as such, I haven't got anything negative to say about the book (which I am reading for the second time-- it's been around six years since I first read the series). It's very different from the books that we're supposed to read in school because it's not necessarily a classic. It's something much more modern that practically everyone nowadays has read. I'm not so sure I can say the same about something like Of Mice and Men.
I think we can learn a lot about literature from reading best sellers as opposed to classic literature. The information and style in these sorts of books are more modern, and thus, more relevant to today's society. This is extremely useful when it comes to writing, and I believe that if you want to pursue a career in writing, it's just as important to know about both modern writing and older, classic writing.
Best sellers aren't all about commercialism though, for the most part. Of course making a profit (and a large one at that) is an important aspect of writing and selling books, but in order to produce content that so many people will love, it's essential for the writer to basically put their heart and soul into that book. Readers will not want to read something that the author hasn't put a good deal of though into, after all.
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