Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Woah guys look it's a blog post

Okay so I'll be answering a couple questions here today.  By a couple, I mean like, four questions.  Approximately.

Okay so first things first, how did my fantasy story come out?

Well, I thought it was pretty okay.  But then again, I went for a more comedic thing and wrote about the Greek god of corgis.  The concept was fun, and I enjoyed writing it, so I'd say it went pretty well.

The next question here is more like a prompt.  So, I'll be writing about the film Legend (1985) which was directed by Ridley Scott.

In all honesty, I didn't like the movie that much.  I mean, I guess it was decent, but it didn't make the most sense to me.  The plot was sort of confusing, and the story progressed way too quickly for my tastes.  Not much happened throughout the course of the movie, really, and it was over pretty quickly.  It didn't exactly feel like a 2 hour movie, but maybe that's just me.

Now for the next question.  What's the point of reading/writing a fantasy novel?

Personally, I'd just say it's for entertainment.  Literature is a form of entertainment, and most people read and write books for the sheer fun of it.  Why would you want to write if you don't enjoy it anyway, or read if you can't stand it?  So, overall, I'd say that it's for entertainment purposes.

Now, for the final question of "what was one of your favorite picture books as a child?"

I honestly can't say I remember what picture books I even read back then.  I know I read some, or at least, I'm around 99% sure that I did, but I can't exactly remember which books.

So yeah, that about wraps up this blog post, so um.  Yeah lol byee

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